
How much is litelsolarsolar street light, and the manufacturer's new quotation after the year

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
How much is the solar street light, and the manufacturer's new quotation after the year. As the saying goes, 'The New Year is not the end of the year until the Lantern FestivalMoney, which kind of solar street light is cheaper in rural areas? Solar street light manufacturers announced for you. Overall, how much is solar street light, and the price does not fluctuate much from last year. Which is the cheapest solar street light in rural areas? If you are looking for cost-effectiveness, solar street light manufacturer litelsolar recommends that you choose some simple and elegant styles when choosing models, with enough brightness, and don’t pursue long rainy days. Some intricate styles look beautiful and can be a lot more expensive. The solar street light manufacturer litelsolar will introduce several commonly used rural solar street light prices: 5 meters 20 watts solar street light on for 4-6 hours for a complete set of 1020 yuan, 5 meters 30 watts solar street light on for 4-6 hours price 1070 Yuan set, 6 meters 30 watt solar street light 4-6 hours a full set of 1145 yuan. The above prices are calculated based on 2-3 rainy days. If you want to know more about solar street light prices, please call litelsolar for consultation!
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