
Ten lighting projects in Tianjin in 2015

by:Litel Technology     2021-11-21
Ten lighting projects in Tianjin in 2015

   Learned from the City Appearance and Gardening Committee that this year, the city's urban lighting will focus on the implementation of Haihe night lighting upgrades, road night lighting upgrades, street lighting facilities maintenance, energy-saving reconstruction of street lighting facilities, lighting command center upgrades, and light pole lamps. Ten projects including renewing oil decorations, improving road 'lighting upAmong them, the city's 15,000 high-pressure mercury lamps will be replaced with high-efficiency, green and energy-saving lamps, which will increase the brightness of the lighting by 30%.

   It is understood that this year, the city will follow the design and positioning of 'Golden Sea River, Flowing Light YearsElaborately build 25 kilometers of night lights on the main roads in the central city. Ensure that the opening rate of street lighting facilities reaches 100%, and the intact rate of main roads reaches above 98%. The city's 15,000 high-pressure mercury lamps will be replaced with high-efficiency, green and energy-saving lamps, which will increase the brightness of the lighting by 30%. Upgrade the lighting command center to realize intelligent monitoring and command. The street lamps on 11 main roads including Nanjing Road and 3 river banks including Jinhe were renovated. Elaborate implementation of the 'four-line' street lighting improvement demonstration project from Youyi Road to Binhai Airport, East Station, West Station and South Station.

   At the same time, through various methods such as compacting responsibilities, underpinning, etc., the problem of not lighting on some roads has been solved. Re-build urban roads that have been opened but have not built street lighting facilities in accordance with the regulations, and solve the problem of 'there are roads without lights'.
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