Litelsolar Pengyao Tips: How to prevent theft of solar street light batteries

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
Litelsolar tips: how to prevent theft of solar street light batteries. Since the start of construction in 2010, I have received several calls from customers on and off, and they all purchased batteries separately. When I asked carefully, it turned out that the solar street light batteries had been stolen, and even 30 sets of solar street light batteries newly installed in a village were stolen. . Because the battery is more expensive, it is easy to be targeted by thieves. Of course, once it is stolen, the loss will be more serious. Today, solar street light manufacturer litelsolar will teach you how to do solar street light battery anti-theft work. During the communication with several customers, we found that in order to save trouble during installation, some directly fix the battery on the light pole, and some are shallow buried underground. . This is very easy for thieves to succeed. The solar street light manufacturer litelsolar reminds everyone that in order to ensure the service life of the battery and prevent theft, according to the local ground temperature data, first place the battery in a special moisture-proof buried box, and then place the battery as a whole in a cement pool at a depth of 1.2 meters (the cement pool is clean 0.5 meters high), the top of the cement pool is covered with a 5CM cement prefabricated board, and finally the cement board steel bars and the light pole base steel bars are welded, filled with soil and compacted. At the same time, try to install solar street lights near where villagers live, or install monitoring systems around solar street lights, and mobilize the masses to protect public facilities to prevent the theft of solar street light batteries.
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