
How to solve the waterproof problem of solar street light controller solar street l

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
It has been raining continuously in most areas recently, and the road surface is prone to stagnant water. Some people may be troubled, so we will tell you how to solve the waterproof problem of solar street light controller! Solar street light controllers are mostly installed in lampshades and battery boxes, and generally do not enter water. However, in practical engineering cases, due to improper installation or the circuit boards of some controllers are not treated with three-proof paint, the rain will flow smoothly. The external wiring of the controller terminal will flow into the solar street light controller and cause a short circuit. Therefore, during construction, attention should be paid to bending the internal connecting wire of the controller terminal into a 'U' shape and fixing it, and the connecting wire exposed to the outside is also fixed to a 'U' shape, so that the rainwater cannot be poured into the controller and cause a short circuit. You can also apply waterproof glue to the interface of the inner and outer cables to waterproof. If you have any other questions, please call us Yangzhou Yeming Street Lamp Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for consultation!
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