Does Litel Technology provide EXW for solar lights ?
Guangzhou Litel Technology Co.,Ltd. offers several types of pricing, including EXW. If you choose EXW, you agree to purchase products that are responsible for shipping related expenses, including door transfers and export permits. Of course, you will get a cheaper product when you buy EXW, but because you are responsible for the entire transportation, your shipping costs will increase. We will clarify the terms and conditions immediately at the beginning of the negotiations and get all the content in writing, so there is no doubt about what has been agreed.

Litel has earned years of expertise in the manufacture of solar powered led ceiling lights. So far, we have been regarded as a dependable producer in the industry. Litel is mainly engaged in the business of solar ceiling light and other product series. solar powered led street lights makes solar street lighting system even more perfect than before. Its durable and stable battery provides a strong backup for illumination during the nights. People can't help fall in love with this stylish product because of its simplicity and versatility with beautiful and slim edges. Treated by die-casting, Its structure is robust and firm.

By developing the spirit of decorative garden light, Litel does its utmost to improve the growth of the company. Please contact.
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