
Surface treatment of solar street light

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-24
With the gradual popularization of LED solar street light, it is favored by the majority of users. Therefore, corresponding problems are encountered during construction. In order to make more reasonable use of this clean energy, the following editor will explain to you about solar street light. Surface treatment matters: First, the anti-corrosion treatment of LED solar street light poles: because the poles are metal materials, the metal materials have been used for a long time, and the value is outdoors, and rust or corrosion will occur. Now that we know it will be There is a possibility of such a thing happening, so we should think about how to stop it from happening. Our general treatment method is to have electrostatic coating technology on the surface and apply a layer of barrier paint on the surface. This can not only solve the problem of corrosion and rust It can also meet the customer's requirements for the color of street lights. Second, the surface treatment of the safety of LED solar street light poles: safety starts from a small aspect, and the surface of our street lights must be treated as smooth as possible. After our observation , found that the journey has almost become a toy for children to crawl. Once the surface treatment is not good, children climb up, not only the street lights may be damaged, but the most important thing is that children may be in danger. Our company is a professional manufacturer of LED solar The company of street light poles, using advanced technology, reasonable design, high quality and low price, if you have any intention, please feel free to contact us and look forward to cooperating with you!
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