Once your order leaves our warehouse, it is handled by a carrier that may provide tracking information until you receive a UV sterilizer. The tracking information might be accessible from Your Order History on our website when it becomes available. If you have any further questions about the status of your order, you can contact our support team directly. Please note tracking information may not be available for up to 48 hours after an item is shipped from our warehouse. Tracking availability may vary depending on the type of item you purchased.
Currently Guangzhou Litel Technology Co.,Ltd. is active in leading the trend of the solar street light market. Litel Technology's solar street light series are created based on unremitting efforts. Litel Technology solar lights is designed based on market demands. It is perfectly encapsulated to prevent the invasion of dust and insects. The quality of this product is under the supervision of highly experienced QC team. Charged by solar energy, this product is environmental-friendly.
We adhere to the principles of environmental protection to produce environmentally-friendly products. We will strive to seel 100% environmentally friendly, pollution-free, degradable, or recycled raw materials to manufacture products.