
What are the precautions in the construction process of solar street light

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
In life, everyone only cares about the quality of the products but ignores the construction quality of the products. Take the solar street light that we see more often. Its construction quality has a great influence on its own function and quality. Therefore, Solar street light manufacturers believe that the following requirements must be paid attention to in the construction of solar street light: 1. The solar street light head is fixed firmly, the adjustable lamp head should be adjusted to the exact position according to the plan, and the lamp head wiring should meet the regulations; 2. The same orientation The height of the solar street light device (from the light source to the ground), the elevation angle, and the installation direction of the lamp should be kept the same; 3. All kinds of nuts should be tightened, and gaskets and spring washers should be added; 4. The longitudinal centerline of the solar street light device and the lamp The longitudinal center line of the arm should be the same, the horizontal horizontal line of the lamp should be parallel to the ground, and there should be no inclination after tightening. Solar street light manufacturers advocate: in order to ensure the quality and function of solar street light during construction, we need to strictly follow accurate construction specifications during construction, control the quality of each process, and do a good job in later maintenance. Do you remember work and love of life?
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