solar street light: Tips to prolong your life in hot summer

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
solar street light: Tips to prolong your life in hot summer. Summer is here, the heat is so hot, and the weather is also thunderstorms and winds that make people wonder. Today, solar street light manufacturer litelsolar will share with you the maintenance tips for solar street lights in summer. First of all, the maintenance work of solar street light should be done well in summer. We all know that there are more severe weather in summer, and hail, thunderstorms and strong winds are likely to occur. For the solar street light that has been installed for a long time, the screw may fall off, which may cause a safety hazard. For example, strong winds may blow off solar street light battery panels and LED lamp heads, and even cause street light poles to tilt or tip over, which not only affects normal lighting, but also brings greater risks to vehicles and pedestrians. Therefore, the solar street light manufacturer reminds everyone to conduct a comprehensive overhaul of the solar street light in summer. Next, check the trees around the solar street light. Because the trees grow lush in summer, it is easy to block the solar panels and prevent them from absorbing sunlight. In addition, the windy weather can easily cause trees to fall or branches to break and cause damage to the solar street light, so it is necessary to prune the surrounding trees regularly. In addition, the high temperature and rain in summer have relatively high requirements on the waterproof and heat dissipation of the solar street light head and the high temperature resistance of the battery. It is recommended that you choose a regular brand manufacturer when purchasing. Solar street light manufacturers remind you that regular maintenance of solar street light can prolong its service life in hot summer!
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