Solar street light manufacturers: these points cannot be ignored during the installation process

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-25
Solar street light manufacturers: These points cannot be ignored during the installation process. Yesterday, litelsolar technology explained the installation steps of solar street light in detail. In order to enable you to successfully install solar street light successfully, today we will emphasize a few important matters. 1. When installing the solar cell module, handle it with care, and it is strictly forbidden to short-circuit the module or throw the module. Since the surface of the solar panel is a layer of tempered glass, you should handle it with care when installing it, do not throw it, so as not to damage the panel and affect its photoelectric conversion efficiency. 2. Do not touch the positive and negative poles of the solar cell module and the battery at the same time to prevent the danger of electric shock. 3. When installing the lamp head, handle it with care to ensure that the light-transmitting cover is clean and free of scratches. Rolling and throwing are strictly prohibited. 4. When moving the battery, do not touch the battery terminals and control valve, and it is strictly forbidden to short-circuit, roll or throw the battery. 5. Pay attention to the positive and negative poles when wiring. It is strictly forbidden to connect them in reverse. The crimping of the terminals should be firm and not loose. 6. The power cord and the junction box, the light pole and the threading part of the module are sealed with silicone, and the solar cell module connection wire needs to be firmly fixed at the bracket to prevent the power cord from sagging or pulling for a long time. 7. The bolt connections of lamp caps, solar cell module brackets, solar cell modules, etc. should be firmly connected without loosening. Don't ignore the small bolts. If they are not screwed firmly, they may fall in strong winds, causing unnecessary losses and potential dangers. 8. The battery board should be installed at an inclination angle. A reasonable inclination angle is to make the solar street light’s annual power generation as large as possible, and to make the difference in power generation between winter and summer as small as possible. Generally, the local latitude or the local latitude plus a few degrees is used as the inclination angle of the local solar cell module installation. Generally, the inclination angle of the area south of the Yangtze River is 30 degrees, and the inclination angle of the area north of the Yangtze River is 45 degrees. 9. After debugging the light, seal the control box solar street light The manufacturer reminds you to debug first after installation, loosen the solar panel connection cable on the controller, the solar street light light source is on, connect the solar panel connection cable, the light is off ;At the same time, carefully observe the changes of each indicator light on the controller, all data are normal, and then the control box can be sealed. In order to avoid the situation of sealing the control box and finding that the light is not on.
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