
Solar lighting system structure

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-23
The solar lighting system consists of microcomputer main control circuit, solar panel, battery charger and discharger, battery pack, LED light source drive and LED lights. (1) Microcomputer main control circuit: The microcomputer main control circuit is the control core of the entire solar lighting system. (2) Charging driving circuit: The charging driving circuit is composed of MOSFET driving module and MOSFET. The MOSFET driver module adopts high-speed optocoupler isolation, emitter output, short-circuit protection and fast shutdown function. The selected MOSFET is an isolated, energy-saving single-chip microcomputer switching power supply dedicated IC, the full voltage input range of driving LED is 150-200V, and the output current is 8-9A. Wide input voltage range, good voltage regulation and load regulation, strong anti-interference ability and low power consumption. The system completes the charging of the solar battery pack to the battery through the charging driving circuit, and corresponding protection measures are also provided in the circuit. (3) LED drive circuit: It is composed of IGBT drive module and MOSFET, which realizes the adjustment of street lamp brightness and the switch of street lamp. (4) Solar cell group: The solar cell group is composed of solar cells (operating voltage is about 0.5V, operating current is about 20-25mA/cm2, and the area is 10cm×10cm) connected in series and parallel to form modules. One The standard module includes 36 single cells, so that a solar cell module can generate about 17V voltage, becoming a battery pack with a rated voltage of 12V. When the application system requires higher voltage and current components, multiple components can be formed into a solar cell array to obtain the required voltage and current. (5) Battery pack: Since the energy obtained from the photovoltaic array does not always match the needs of the electronic load, when the photovoltaic array itself cannot provide enough power, the battery can still make the load work. Energy storage is required if the electronic load needs to work at night or on cloudy or overcast days. The battery's stored energy is sized to meet the average daily electronic load demand during autonomous operation. Generally speaking, it should be able to reserve 5 to 7 days of night lighting power consumption. In stand-alone photovoltaic systems, the electrical energy generated by the photovoltaic array is not always used at the same time as the electrical energy is generated, so batteries are required in most stand-alone photovoltaic systems. (6) Communication device: composed of wireless data transmission module. The wireless data transmission module supports GPRS, with RS-232 interface, the communication distance is up to 100 meters, and the anti-interference is strong.
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