Any outdoor decorative garden light factories instead of trading companies recommended?
Different from trading companies, outdoor decorative garden light factories mainly deals with the manufacturing and processing of products instead of buying a specialized range of products, maintaining the stock, and delivering products to customers only. Guangzhou Litel Technology Co.,Ltd. is an option. We are an enterprise that focuses on designing, developing, and manufacturing the products. With a factory covering a large area, we are equipped with advanced production lines and relevant testing equipment to ensure the products are all made efficiently and accurately. Except for those hard power, we have also established different departments responsible for designing, R&D, and manufacturing businesses.

Litel Technology is globally famous in the market of Solar Lighting System. Litel Technology's solar flood lights series include multiple types. This product is safe enough. Its fabrics are free of any toxic or chemical substances that would do harm to the human body. Made of ABS materials, it is anti-aging and scratch-proof. This product features an ultra-soft feel. It is able to wick away moisture while regulating cool and warm body temperatures. The product has the advantage of low- and high-temperature resistance.

Litel Technology would like to achieve win-win situation with our customers. Get an offer!