
world’s first solar highway opens in france - solar street light design

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-01
world’s first solar highway opens in france  -  solar street light design
France pioneered the world's first solar panel road in a small village in Normandy.
The road, known as De Watway, was led by Minister of Ecology Niloyal, who earlier this year said she hoped to build a 1,000-kilometer solar panel road in France.
Collas is a member of the Electric Company. In more than five years, he has developed two kinds of distribution boards. The route -
State investment-
Covering an area of 2800 square meters-
Generate panels and pass through Tourouvre Village-au-Perche.
The electricity generated should provide electricity for street lighting for 3,400 villagers.
An average of 2,000 drivers are expected to use the road every day, and it will now take two months. -
Annual testing phase.
Despite the price of silicon-
Main Components of Photovoltaic Cells-
Over the past 10 years, the cost of the project has fallen sharply, but it is still very high.
Marc Jedliczka, Deputy Director-
President of Energy Transition Network(CLER)
He told Le Monde: "There is no doubt that this is a technological advance, but in order to develop renewable energy, there are other priorities besides a device that we are more convinced of is more expensive than the actual cost.
Many countries are experimenting with solar panels on roads.
Since 2014, 70 metres of solar roads in the Netherlands have operated as bicycle lanes.
Pierce Barnes, of the Imperial College of Technology Physics Research Association in London, told the Independent that cost and durability are two major factors hindering the development of solar panels.
"As the cost of solar panels drops, more and more interesting and innovative applications will be created where people don't think about them," he said.
However, he adds that the price of solar panels in Britain is substantially higher because of its poor sunshine levels.
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