The Wicksford County Council has embarked on an ambitious plan to replace about 14,000 light bulbs and the surrounding "lanterns" with LED lights in county-wide street lamps.
Although the plan has cost the councils in the region 5 million euros, the annual savings in energy bills will reach around 800,000 euros.
Public lights in Gori's main streets have been transformed, as have street lights in other parts of the county.
The Committee said it would replace about 1,300 lights this year.
'We expect to replace 2,500 units a year over the next five years, which will effectively replace all our lighting inventory with LEDs,'said David Minogue, a communications official.
He explained that the old 200W "son" lamps were replaced with 120W and 80W LED lamps, while 135W "sox lanterns" and 150W "son lanterns" were replaced with 80W and 120W LED lamps.
"We are replacing the whole lantern, not just the bulb itself," David said.
"The current life of SOX and SON bulbs is two years.
The life expectancy of LED accessories is 15 years.
Now that the Sox Lamp is out of date, only one company produces the Sox bulb for about 65 euros.
The project will be funded mainly from the Council's own resources, supplemented by some grant assistance.
69% of the energy consumed in the region will be used for energy conservation.
This will result in nearly four energy savings per year.
Five million kilowatts a year.
With the agreement of the Special Policy Committee on Housing, Community and Environment, the Council's energy policy was approved by the Council of the Whole at its recent monthly meeting.
In addition to upgrading public lighting, some houses are planned for renovation, and solar panels on the roof of the Wexford County Council Building will provide 5% of the building's electricity.
Claire Malcolm Burn welcomed the policy, saying it was a positive development, but added that it was important to have clear and measurable goals.
John Carey, director of services, said they were studying zero-energy housing and energy-efficient public lighting.
Gerry Forde, a senior engineer, said they were also working on energy-efficient transportation and on pilot plans for electric vehicles.
Claire Oliver Walsh praised all those involved in the policy, saying it would pay dividends in the future.
Claire-Pip-Brin agreed, but added that the agricultural sector should also be inspected, consulted by the International Federation of Agriculture, saying that the European Union seems to think that dairy cows are the main culprits of environmental problems.