Bandar Baru AirItam residents will soon be able to enjoy a new community park in Jalan Beriksa, Penang. The 3.
048ha Park will be called Open Space Briksa.
Mohamed Akbar Mustapha, director of the Department of Entertainment, Tourism and International Affairs of the Penang City Council, said the park's work started on October 21 and will be completed on December 20 at a cost of 649,930 ringgit.
Mohammed Akbar said: "The project may be completed earlier than we planned, because the project is progressing smoothly, and we hope that by the end of this year, the park will be ready for public use. "
He said the park was the only one in Bandar Baru Airlines Itham and was based on the concept of urban parks.
"The park will have outdoor fitness stations, bicycle runways and walking and jogging runways with garden solar lights," he said at a recent press conference in the park's location.
Zhou Kongyao, chairman of the State Local Government, Traffic Management and Flood Control Commission, praised the upgrade of the open space for the benefit of the public.