Most parts of Victoria, including Melbourne Metropolitan Area, have been cut off after a fire near Bendara in the north. -
The eastern part of the state destroyed important transmission lines connecting Victoria and the state grid.
Traffic lights, trams and railway services were affected, leading to peak traffic. -
Commuters who come home from work suffer for an hour.
I don't know when to restore normal power supply.
The national grid across Datong is thought to have been affected, disrupting the power supply shared with the New South Wales peak load loft.
SPI spokeswoman Emma Daniel told Radio 3AW that line inspectors must wait until firefighters escort them into the jungle before they can be inspected and repaired.
State-wide blackouts have flooded GE. com.
From Melbourne's Central Business District and the South Bank to Cranburn in the east, the AU began about 4 p. m. after the blackout.
Electricity is also reported to be available in regional centres in Kuala Lung, Bendigo and Barat.
Electricity blackouts have been reported in parts of the cities of Richmond, Plain, the South Bank and St. Kilda Road.
Reportedly, northern Fitzroy, northern Kurt and Sanbury were also affected.
Yala Tramcar reported that its tramcars operated under limited power after six SUBs. -
The station lost supplies.
Colin Tillus, communications manager at Yala Tramways, said that tramcars run slowly, but the entire network is being maintained.
Affected submarines-
The station is located in West Brunswick, Ascot Valley, South Melbourne, Saint Kilda, South Yala and Malvin.
Metropolitan Fire Department spokesman Laurie Crowther said the team received 42 calls for help, including those trapped in elevators during the worst of the crisis.
By 6 p. m. , the number had dropped to 16.
Phil Cullen, spokesman for Metropolitan Ambulance Services, said emergency workers had received several phone calls for elevator failures, including an accident on Queen's Avenue, where a pregnant woman was trapped in the car of up to 10 people.
Everything was safe. Peak-
Hourly dangerous blackouts also affected many traffic lights in the city, and Victorian police asked drivers to be careful, especially at intersections.
Andrew Cassidy, a spokesman for Connex, told 3aw that all suburban train services would be severely delayed.
Mr. Cassidy said: "Our overhead power line voltage has been lowered, so the train is running very slowly.
"There will be some major delays when people go home tonight.
"This led to road chaos, and according to Vick Road Controller estimates, 1,000 sets of traffic lights failed throughout the city.
Dozens of small collisions are reported to have further blocked roads.
Police spokesman Wayne Wilson urged drivers to be cautious and warned that there would not be enough police to guide traffic through all affected intersections.
"Because of black power supply-
I think everywhere from the border to Melbourne, we are asking drivers to be careful, "said Officer Wilson.
"At this stage, many traffic lights do not work, we can only say that the police will work at some of them, but most traffic lights will return to the driver's judgment and some common sense, as well as some courtesy.
A spokeswoman for Vickers said Melbourne and Kuala Lung were affected, but it was not clear how many units had malfunctioned in the past. -
The system is up-in.
Shannon Walker, a spokesman for Alinta, a power company that pleaded guilty to customers, confirmed the extent of the blackout and warned that it could last for some time.
He said: "All power companies have extra staff, they are trying to minimize the interference to consumers, as long as this problem continues, we will continue to work to solve this problem. "
"This weather is not helpful. Demand for electricity is greater than supply.
Mr. Walker said that if people could turn off the air conditioning in their homes and businesses, they could relieve people's pressure. -
Load power system.
The affected transmission lines are operated by SP Ausnet, and Victoria's main power plant is connected to a distribution company that supplies more than two power lines.
There are 2 million electricity users in the country.
Automatic shutdown Louisa Graham from sp ausnet says the problem has affected residents and business customers in the eastern part of the state.
The company blamed a mountain fire in the north. -
Eastern Victoria, it destroyed Inter Milan-
A power cord connecting Victoria and New South Wales.
"At present, we can confirm that the fire in Datong near Bendara has brought some problems to Inter. " -
Connectors with New South Wales, "Ms. Graham told ABC Radio. "The inter-
"When there's the greatest demand, it's clear that on days like today, air conditioning and similar things are our greatest demand," she said.
"This results in automatic load shedding of the system.
"This means that parts of the country will experience power outages for a period of time, possibly one to two hours, until the system can rebalance according to demand. "theage. com.