
dutch driver caught with stolen street lights strapped to car roof (photo) - solar street light design

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-01
dutch driver caught with stolen street lights strapped to car roof (photo)  -  solar street light design
The man also violated several traffic regulations when he attracted police attention. Obviously, he was not worried that two huge street lights might attract people's attention.
This strange incident took place in the city of Elystad in the central Netherlands.
The Leilistad police shared photos of the unusual goods on Facebook, confirming that they were investigating the source of the lamp posts.
Police say they probably stole it from the nearby city of Almery.
The driver of the car was arrested for repeated violations of traffic regulations, including drunk driving, uninsured driving and holding invalid driving licenses.
The police also suspected him. -
Refuel the car free of charge.
"As the defendant did not cooperate with the investigation, the court is expected to impose the highest possible penalty for drunk driving," the police statement said.
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