What should be paid attention to in the installation of Inner Mongolia solar power system

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-26
Many customers in Inner Mongolia are the first solar power generation system. After receiving the product, they do not know what to learn in the process of installing the solar power generation system equipment. In order to solve this situation, the editor of litelsolar will introduce it to you in detail here. Let’s take a look at the precautions for the installation of solar power generation systems: 1. The panel array of the solar power generation system needs to consider the installation azimuth and inclination angle. 2. It is necessary to avoid occlusion between the panels. 3. The stability and firmness of the bracket placement of the solar power generation system. 4. The wiring distance and the position of the combiner box. Keep the trace distance as short and average as possible. 5. The relevant accessories of the solar power generation system must meet the system requirements. 6. The terminals should be firm to prevent virtual connection or open circuit. 7. Pay attention to the polarity when the battery terminals are installed firmly to avoid explosion and fire. 8. The controller generally has corresponding power distribution protection measures. During the wiring process, attention should also be paid to prevent reverse polarity, short circuit, etc. Pay attention to the angle of placement and avoid rainwater immersion. 9. For a solar power generation system with an inverter, the inverter should be connected to the positive and negative electrodes of the battery. 10. The place where the solar power generation system is built must be open, and there should be no tall buildings or other things blocking the sunlight where the solar cell array is installed. 11. When the controller of the solar power generation system is installed, it is necessary to know whether the controller belongs to a common negative electrode design or a common positive electrode design. 12. During the installation process, pay attention to the protection of electrical switches, etc., to prevent live operation, so as to cause unnecessary losses and troubles. 13. The controller debugging needs to pay attention to the details, so as not to affect the whole system engineering cycle. The above are the precautions for installing a solar power system in Inner Mongolia. Follow the steps of the editor step by step, and everyone can install it safely and correctly. Solar street light coverage
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