What is a smart street light solar street light-litelsolar manufacturer

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-26
What is a smart street light A smart city requires the full use of information and communication technology to sense, analyze, and integrate various key information of the core urban operation system, so as to make intelligent solutions to various needs including people's livelihood, urban services, and industrial and commercial activities. response. In this process, there is an urgent need for a carrier for information collection, information processing, and information release. As one of the densest and most numerous municipal facilities in the city, street lights are the most suitable carriers for smart cities. The multi-functional and multi-application smart street light pole can be tailored according to the needs of different business scenarios and integrate corresponding functions. Smart lighting for urban roads is about to come out Smart lighting is an important part of smart cities. It uses urban sensors, power line carrier/ZIGBEE communication technology and wireless GPRS/CDMA communication technology, etc., to connect the street lamps in the city in series to form the Internet of Things, and realize the remote centralized control and management of street lamps. Conditions and other conditions setting schemes such as automatic brightness adjustment, remote lighting control, active fault alarm, lamp cable anti-theft, remote meter reading and other functions; smart street lamps can effectively control energy consumption, greatly save power resources, improve the level of public lighting management, and reduce maintenance. and management costs, and use information processing technologies such as computing to process and analyze massive amounts of perception information, and make intelligent responses and intelligent decision-making support to various needs including people's livelihood, environment, and public safety, so that urban road lighting can achieve 'smart' state. Smart street lights are the best entrance and service port for smart cities. With a large number of street lights, cities are the densest urban infrastructure, which facilitates the collection and release of information. In the future, smart street lights will be an important source of information collection for the Internet of Things. Urban smart street lights are an important part and important entrance of smart cities, which can promote the implementation of smart municipalities and smart cities in urban lighting business, and realize the improvement of urban and municipal service capabilities. . Frequent policies and vigorous promotion of smart lighting With the wide application of new-generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, next-generation Internet, and cloud computing, smart cities have become an inevitable trend. In recent years, new policies for smart cities have appeared frequently, and many cities in my country have set off a climax of smart city construction. The government has issued a series of policies and measures to promote the construction of smart cities. As an important part of smart city construction, smart street lights are expected to receive policy support in the future.
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