
What are the requirements for the installation location of the solar monitoring pole?

by:Litel Technology     2022-05-23
With the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the role of solar monitoring poles in today's era cannot be underestimated. It can be used to monitor the safety of roads, communities and other places, and can also be used to monitor violations of laws and disciplines. Nowadays, solar monitoring poles are mostly used on roads. Monitor the behavior of vehicles, pedestrians, etc. Before installing solar monitoring, you need to choose a suitable location for installation, which is convenient for monitoring cameras to take pictures. Do the solar monitoring poles have any requirements for the installation location? The monitoring pole manufacturers will summarize them for you. The selection of solar monitoring pole points needs to consider comprehensive factors: 1. The distance between the poles is not less than 300 meters; 2. In principle, the position of the poles is not less than 5 meters away from the monitoring target area, and the long distance is not more than 5 meters. 50 meters, to ensure that the surveillance camera can clearly capture valuable pictures; 3. Avoid installing in places with many green trees, so as not to block the lens and take pictures; 4. In the installation specification of monitoring poles, monitoring poles are required There must be lightning rods and good grounding protection, and lead wires should be added to the ground as much as possible, and the rod should not be used for conduction. Therefore, in order to ensure the long-term normal operation of front-end equipment, it is necessary to install matching surge protectors for various signals, and standard grounding is required. 5. After installing the monitoring pole, directly weld the ground wire of the camera and the lightning arrester to the grounding pole on the pole. Anti-rust treatment and nameplates are required. The monitoring pole manufacturer reminds everyone that the installation location of the solar monitoring pole needs to be selected according to its installation specifications to prevent the monitoring pole from being unstable and unsafe. According to the above content, everyone has understood how to choose the installation location of the solar monitoring pole. I hope you can install the solar monitoring pole safely and conveniently.
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