As you line up at the traffic lights, starting a nasty journey can be the past.
City planners claim that in tomorrow's city, traffic lights will be replaced by smart intersections that allow automatic weaving of cars embedded in sensors.
Such intelligent intersections, where lanes are harmoniously integrated from one to the other, will reduce traffic jams while doubling the number of vehicles using roads.
The concept of scrolling down to watch video was developed by researchers at the mitssenseableity lab who believe that with the advent of a car with sensors, this connection will become a reality, these sensors
Connect and self
Driving vehicles, for example, is expected to lead to safer and more efficient cities.
According to IT World, researchers have created mathematical models to study a scenario in which cars use sensors to keep a safe distance when navigating intersections using traditional traffic lights.
Real systemtime control [connected cars]
The lab says this makes it possible to think about smart intersections and become a veritable orchestra conductor for cars across the city.
Researchers found that by eliminating delays caused by traffic lights, smart or "slots"
Based on intersection (Sis)
Speed up traffic.
Perhaps surprisingly, the study, published in the journal Plos One, also found that traffic at smart intersections could double.
Theoretical results suggest that the transition from a traffic light system to SI has the potential to double capacity and significantly reduce latency, the researchers wrote.
"This means reducing non-
The linear dynamics caused by the bottleneck of the intersection has a positive impact on the road network.
"These findings can provide important insights for traffic engineers and planners as they prepare to manage the transition to a more intelligent transportation infrastructure in the city.
Carlo Latty, director of the perceptible City Lab at MIT's urban research and planning department, explained: "The intersection is a difficult place because you have two traffic competing for the same property.
Dr. Latty, who is together?
The authors of the study say that sensors on cars and traffic lights are not available to control traffic on vehicleslevel.
"By doing so, you can create a more efficient system, because that way you can make sure that the vehicle reaches the intersection when there is a space available," he added . ".
The improvement of efficiency is not due to the improvement of speed, but because the traffic is smoother.
"From the overall perspective of comfort, safety, environmental impact and efficiency, digital optimization of personal behavior and transportation will usher in a huge change in urban life, according to the laboratory.
However, the weaving of passengers around other cars passing through the intersection can be initially disturbing and even frightening.