
smoking ban prompts run on patio heaters - outdoor solar garden lights

by:Litel Technology     2019-07-29
smoking ban prompts run on patio heaters  -  outdoor solar garden lights
Atlantic Home Care, a DIY chain, has sold out of the cylinders and reported a surge in demand for heaters.
"Since early May, our sales have increased 150% over the same period last year," said Liam Holton, Atlantic home care marketing manager.
Woody's DIY, a chain of horticultural centers, has seen sales of patio heaters and propane gas increase by almost 100% over last year.
The sun has also spawned a boom in barbecues, outdoor tables, solar lights and garden pipes, all of which have been sold out in the past six weeks.
The ban on smoking has increased sales of propane gas. Many city-
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