
seven earth-sized planets entered the spotlight this year - all in one solar led street light

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-06
seven earth-sized planets entered the spotlight this year  -  all in one solar led street light
It is almost routine to find planets around distant stars.
But finding seven exoplanets at a time is very special.
In February, a group of planetary explorers announced that a small, cold star is about 39 light-years old. -
A few years later, Trappis-
1. Bearing the greatest load-
An extrasolar planet of comparable size was found in one place: at least three of them may contain liquid water. ().
These worlds immediately became the primary task of searching for life outside the solar system. “TRAPPIST-
"One is everyone's wish," said Lisa Cartneig, an exoplanet astronomer at Cornell University.
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