The village chief, Theresa Lim, noting the need for infrastructure development and upgrading in Kongzhan Province, prepared a wish list at the Baling Jaya City Council. (MBPJ)
Budget Seminar 2019.
They have 15 items on their wish list, including requests for LED or solar street lights, additional drains and parking spaces in the Kampung card market.
"We also need to expand MBPJ's free bus service here to connect Pound Clearance to Light Rail Station and Bandar Utama Bus Station.
Lim said that because some streets were too narrow for trucks to pass, they asked EdMBPJ contractors to use motorcycles to collect garbage in these areas.
The workshop was completed through discussion groups on eight different topics, but Lin said it would be more effective to submit a wish list on their needs.
About 120 representatives from residents'associations(RA)
Rukun Tetangga(RT)and non-
Government organizations(NGO)
Participated in the seminar organized by MBPJ.
Its purpose is to obtain the views, suggestions and ideas of the residents so that the Council can prepare its budget for 2019.
"This is MBPJ's first contact with residents before its 2019 budget draft.
Previous meetings asked residents to give feedback after drafting the budget.
"We will compile all the information from the seminar and make a budget based on priorities and work," said Johary Anuar, deputy mayor of Petaling Jaya.
Although MBPJ does not have next year's revenue and expenditure projections, Johary said the budget projected deficit for 2019 is about 3,000 ringgit.
"This means that the projected expenditure will depend on the estimated revenue that MBPJ can collect.
"Development expenditure will be covered by allocations under the MBPJ Trust Account.
As of June 2018, more than 100 million ringgit trust fund funds will be earmarked for development projects and projects.
He said that MBPJ would allocate 2 million to 3 million Malaysian ringgies to residential projects.
The allocation scheme does not overlap with projects planned or completed by MBPJ.
"We expect the entire budget planning process to be completed in October and then submitted to the state government in November," he said.
Sanggat Singh Peshi, chairman of Kelana Jaya RT, said his ideas focused on security, community participation and social development. His RT covers SS5a, SS5b, SS5c and SS5d.
"MBPJ should provide private security services to supplement the existing patrols of residents.
Use of voluntary patrol schemes(SRS)
As bases, MBPJ and state governments can allocate funds for security patrols.
"Because many of our volunteers are elderly, we are not able to conduct regular patrols.
Other security measures include installing more CCTV and emergency buttons, and increasing street patrols.
"MBPJ should increase the allocation of community development, let RTS organize more activities, and let residents participate more in their communities," he said.
Sangart added that MBPJ could also improve its recreational facilities and public park safety facilities, such as Taman Oman and Lake Karanajaya.
At the same time, the public can provide MBPJ's 2019 budget proposals and opinions online through Bitcoin by July 15.