
nighttime light pollution sabotages sex pheromones of moths - all in one solar led street light

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-06
nighttime light pollution sabotages sex pheromones of moths  -  all in one solar led street light
The glare of light does not destroy the chemical composition of human romantic encounters.
Artificial lighting can mislead females into thinking that the odor they emit is very light and may be very stinky, rather than their usual strong odor. -hithers.
In laboratory tests, the average yield of female cabbage moth was only about one when exposed to the same conditions as LED street lamps. -to two-
Royvan Grunsven, an ecologist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, says they usually have a third of the attractive pheromone content. Light-
Exposed women also made mistakes in recipes.
They ignore the main attractants among the nine components of their species. -specific brew.
Van Glensven and his colleagues point out in a forthcoming issue of the magazine that if overused, there are three ingredients that are disproportionately strong for men.
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