Mogadishu, Somalia-
The woman sitting outside the temporary apartment chatting at night is a new scene. -
Dark refugee camps in the Somali capital.
In a city where darkness poses a threat of attack, recently installed solar lights help prevent sexual assault.
Women living in hundreds of refugee camps in Mogadishu do not use public bathrooms at home at night because men pose a threat to them with knives and guns.
Installation of 79 solar energy units-
The Danish Refugee Commission (Danish Refugee Council) provided electric lighting in a refugee camp called Area K and returned to Mogadishu at night.
Sadiya Hussein, the mother of four, rested with other women in the sand near her home and said, "It feels like we're starting a new life. "
"Because of the light, we can get together to chat and breathe fresh air.
Rapists can't sneak in now.
It has plenty of light, and it's better.
Since the devastating famine in Somalia in 2011, refugee camps in Mogadishu have held tens of thousands of people fleeing hunger and violence.
The number of rape cases has risen sharply, making the simple act of going to the toilet a life. -
"They're just waiting for women at home and in the bathroom," Fatimanor said. Noel said she had been attacked, but escaped when her husband intervened.
"We really feel a little safer than before.
I think light frightens predators.
Mohamed Bundu, director of the Danish Refugee Commission in Mogadishu, said that in addition to the additional safety lights installed in May, they also helped children learn and businesses attract customers.
"All the crimes that are often committed because of darkness have been greatly reduced," he said.
At the Mogadishu camp, 79 lights stand on high poles, each selling for about $2,000.
Heather Armstutz, district director of the Danish Refugee Commission, said the group also installed solar lights in northern Somalia.
Project Requirement Purchase-
From the communities they serve, this reduces the threat of sabotage or theft.
These projects are paid for by the United States Government. N. funds.
These lights "add five production hours to these small settlements.
Children can learn by optics.
Vendors sell vegetables in the light, "she said. A U. N.
Last month, the Monitoring Group on Somalia reported that there were 530 camps in Mogadishu, of which 75 per cent were women and children who were vulnerable to sexual assault.
The report says officials recorded 1,700 rapes between January and November 2012.
The report says there may be more attacks unreported and more rapes reported than in previous years.
Attackers often wear government police or military uniforms, although the government has consistently denied that its troops are responsible.
Despite the positive effects of sunlight, a victim of sexual violence said she still felt insecure.
"I see that lights are useful, but they can't, sadly, stop rapists from coming," veil 30-
The old woman stood at the door and said.
"We are still facing rape attacks because there is no one to protect us.
"Sarah Ahmed, No. 40-year-
Six-year-old dad thinks lighting is good.
Most camp residents are unable to counter attackers who brandish guns or knives during the attacks.
However, Ahmed had an axe and a sword to protect his wife.
"The more you see your enemy, the more you plan to fight him," he said. —