
in a class of their own - 12w solar led street light

by:Litel Technology     2019-07-31
in a class of their own  -  12w solar led street light
Street children learn 3R and learn many life lessons from volunteers, who are both their mentors and their friends.
For Zack and his three brothers and sisters, the home is a rental room shared by a family of six.
It has two cabinet sizes and no room for beds and furniture.
There are only three things in the room - a luggage bag, a table and an electric cooker.
It's too small to play.
So at night, the streets in front of Wisma alka-ria in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, became their playground.
Brothers and sisters are not alone.
When the sun goes down, the streets are full of children wandering around.
Zack and his friends made up for the city's poverty.
But since August last year, things have changed: on Sunday nights, these children have classes to learn math and English.
The free course is managed by Buku Jalanan Chow Kit, an organization of Siti Rahayu Baharin. (BJCK).
Whether it's sunny or rainy, Sunday classes are held on the streets at the Loading Bay in Alcalia, Wisconsin.
Beginning in June, an additional course was held on Friday at the Onjafar Institute Center in Chowkit, after the Institute provided space for the organization.
These courses focus on children's exams and intensive reading.
Class 8.
Both places are from 30 p. m. to 10 p. m.
"Education is a basic right for everyone, and it needs to be provided free of charge," said Zickou, who is affectionately known as Zickou Lahayo. So, the 35-year-
Every week the old man goes to Zhou Jilai to teach "The children are already there".
When news of free courses spread, the first 15 classes quickly grew to more than 50 children.
The atmosphere in the street class is exciting.
At around 8 p. m. on Sunday, volunteers gathered in the alleys to clean up the area, and to clean up the waste syringes and other waste materials used by drug addicts.
Then the street was covered with tarpaulins and small tables were set up. By 8.
At 30 p. m. , the children appeared, like magic.
When the class started under the dim street lamp, the air was filled with exciting tremors.
On average, about 20 to 30 children appeared during each course of treatment.
With about 15 permanent volunteers and 10 weekly volunteers, the children received a similar amount. -to-one tuition.
This formula is necessary because every child is completely different from the next one.
Some people can't read and need more help, says Lahayo, who lectures today at the first City University College in Badalinga.
The people who come to class are between 3 and 14 years old.
"We mainly teach young children.
They are easier to shape and very enthusiastic, "she said.
Lahayo said she had tried to invite a group of older teenagers wandering around the area to join her class, but they were not interested.
However, the opposite is true for young children and their parents.
Nana, seven, likes to go to class because of the bait. good)teachers.
When asked how long she attended the meeting, she answered, "Lama, Lama, Lama"(very long)”.
In a recent class, she was seen doing her favorite activity, coloring a picture of a flower and a bear in her English book.
Her ambition is to become a policewoman because she wants to "Tangkabdak". -budak jahat” (
Catch all the naughty children. .
But Bick not only teaches children math and English.
"We teach them how to communicate and respect others.
Moreover, because many of these children are not interested in learning, we teach them to change their views on books and education, "Lahayo said.
At the November meeting, the teachers taught the children how to brush their teeth.
When they asked the children how many times a day they brushed their teeth, most of them answered, "Sekali". (once).
One time is usually eaten by these children once a day.
Therefore, the volunteer group brought food sponsored by the Food Aid Foundation to the class.
After eight years of eating-
The old boy vomited because he was too hungry.
His friend, who is seven years old, is missing six teeth, possibly because of a lack of dental care.
Simple daily habits such as brushing teeth are often overlooked.
But Lahayo says these children need to learn its importance.
"Education is the way out of poverty.
I think it's a very meaningful thing, "said Beaujock volunteer Sean Wonket. The 22-year-
Old, who has been volunteering for more than a year, said he has seen children improve in general knowledge, communication and understanding, and behavior - they are more polite.
Another 25-year-old volunteer, Kamal Abdullah, added: "My student's math teacher has made some progress in this course.
Kamal found these courses on Facebook and has been volunteering since October.
The children here are eager to learn.
Small things are important to them.
For example, they like stickers, so they work hard to get one, he said.
Abdullah added: "Once you feel good about your children, it's hard to miss a class.
They always ask if you will come next week. You can't refuse them.
Bick tried not to accept cash donations, but books, uniforms, small tables, mats, tarpaulins and food.
The organization usually publishes the required projects on its Facebook page.
Those interested in donation can contact its members and drop the project in one of the courses.
"We don't want children to inherit their parents'lives.
We want to give them hope for a better life, and we believe that education can do that, "Lahayo said.
Note: In order to protect the identity of children, their names have changed.
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