
glowing trees are the new street lights? not quite, says aussie scientist | adelaide now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_rig

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-02
glowing trees are the new street lights? not quite, says aussie scientist | adelaide now -g-icon-error cloudy-day nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_right nav_small_rig  -  solar street lights for home
An Australian expert says the radical idea of replacing street lights with trees that glow in the dark may not be as bright as it sounds. Dr Yen-
Su Xun of Taiwan Applied Science Research Center last year proposed the idea of injecting gold nanoparticles into leaves to reduce energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions.
"In the future, Bio-
LED can be used to make roadside trees glow at night, "he told Chemical World in November.
"This will save energy and absorb carbon dioxide as a biology-
Light emitting diodes (LED) will photosynthesize chloroplasts. "Dr Yen-
Su Xun and his team came up with the idea while looking for ways to create efficient lighting without using toxic or expensive chemicals such as phosphorus powder.
By testing plants, they found that ultraviolet light emitted from leaves injected with gold nanoparticles triggered red radiation in chlorophyll.
But John Steele, an associate professor at the University of New South Wales School of Chemistry, says that while logic seems reasonable, it's true. -
Worldwide applications may be more difficult.
Gold is a good conductor, partly because there is no corrosion on the surface.
So it's widely used as an electrical contact, "he said.
"Some researchers have combined inertia and conductivity for biotechnology. -
Biosensor and other applications.
"Other staff predicted that plasma excitation would be used to heat the tissue around the implanted nanoparticles, whether gold or gold. -
Coating - killing tumors.
"Dr. Steyr said that a potential problem with Dr. Su's plan was-
Emission effects deplete the energy reserves needed for factory prosperity.
"If you use hybrids to soak the leaves of urban trees-
He said that with nano-particle materials, the loss of trees can guarantee "cheap" or "novel" lighting.
However, we should say that there are more material problems.
"How about the golden autumn? -
"Although the amount of filling per leaf is very small, money actually grows on the tree first and then falls off it," he said.
However, this may prompt local authorities to clean up the fallen leaves more effectively.
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