
demon ride should be consumer's choice: minister - solar energy traffic lights

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-17
demon ride should be consumer\'s choice: minister  -  solar energy traffic lights
Ontario Economic Development Minister Brad dujid defended Fiat Chrysler's decisionFCA)
Manufacturing controversial 840-
The HP Dodge Demon at the Brampton factory.
Despite the implementation of a positive climate change plan, including a cap of $2 billion --and-
The trade plan and the pursuit of expensive wind and solar power depend on what automakers decide what they want to make and the Ontario decide what they want to drive, dujid said.
"It is not our duty to tell consumers which cars to buy," dujid said on Tuesday . ".
"I'm a pickup truck driver.
I don't apologize for that.
The FCA will release 2018 Dodge Challenger Demon, a monster muscle car described as a legitimate racing car on the street --
Accelerated style.
Canadian buyers will receive 300 cars, and US buyers will receive 3,000S. customers.
The FCA spokesperson was unable to provide immediate information on tail pipe emissions.
The environmental protection company declined to comment on the vehicle.
The Ontario government has not invested any public funds in the FCA Brampton factory since 2005, the company from 2008-
Rescue of car manufacturers.
The Catherine Wayne government did give the FCA $85 million last year to expand its Windsor minivan plant.
Asked if he wanted cars produced in Ontario to be "green", dujid said the province was encouraging consumers to switch to cleaner cars, especially electric ones.
The provincial government wants to ensure that consumers do have the option to pick cleaner cars, but grants and loans to car companies are in place to create jobs for car workers in Ontario, he said.
"If a factory is building a pickup truck or a factory is building an electric car, we will still create those jobs in Ontario," he said . ".
"They have to make it somewhere in North America.
They may be made here, where they can be made with the cleanest energy system anywhere in North America.
Aartuso @ postmedia.
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