
coyle gets go-ahead for tayto solar farm - solar panel garden lights

by:Litel Technology     2019-07-29
coyle gets go-ahead for tayto solar farm  -  solar panel garden lights
Ray Coyle, owner of Taito Park, got a green light for a 23 million euro solar farm next to his common meat amusement park.
It is expected that one third of the electricity generated by solar panels will be used in parks and nearby CRISP plants, and the rest will be supplied to the State Grid.
The proposed development project, in collaboration with local farmer Joe McDermott, will build a 35 MW solar power plant with more than 120,000 photovoltaic panels on a steel frame installed on the ground.
Coyle has 100 acres of space, while McDermott has another 40 acres of project-specific area, about a kilometer from the nearby Lago Food Factory and amusement park.
The decision was made when JBM, a solar developer, was approved by the Miss County Council to build a larger solar farm nearby between Rutworth and Dunborn.
The project will cover 210 acres and generate 51 megawatts of electricity.
In recent days, local authorities have approved only two of the country's largest development projects in the past two years.
In the absence of any national guidelines on solar farms, planners are facing difficulties surrounding renewable energy power generation development plans.
In addition, in recent weeks, Taito Park has faced criticism after trying to prevent the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Geltah from publishing details of animal deaths at their zoo, arguing that the information was taken out of context and did not take into account the natural life span of animals.
Coyle resigned as chairman and director of Largo Foods last year after being taken over by Intersnack, a German food group, but remained in charge of amusement parks.
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