Especially with traffic jams in Los Angeles, many drivers are tired of staring at the three circles that make up the average traffic light.
Not sure what they would think of a new design shown on the Yanko Design website, which is patched with the shape, light and even power supply behind the standard red, yellow and green. Sand Glass (right)
Thanva Tivawong's LED light appears to drip into the bottom from the top half of the display, for example, Green turns yellow and then red.
Similarly, the concept of "control safe traffic lights" by Roberto vackflores uses an LED panel that gradually changes from color to color.
The light will be powered by a solar panel with a security camera that will be able to sense the upcoming emergency vehicle.
Drivers waiting for light changes can also be seen as a display of weather and road conditions.
Road signs that remind people to notice that transit points and speed limits can be treated the same way as programmable LED lights that can cause fog or heavy rain, according to the design of Alexei Chugunnikov (left). Color-
Blind drivers may appreciate the universitySignal idea (below)from Ji-youn Kim, Soon-
Young Yang Huanju Jeon.
Traffic lights will have different shapes to correspond to actions. -
A triangle representing "stop", a circle representing "Stay", and a rectangle representing "go.
Related: intelligent traffic lights can block vehicle engines remotely-
IBM patent application red light, green light, go? --