
100,000 jobless energy workers struggle for a place in the new economy - solar energy traffic lights

by:Litel Technology     2019-08-18
100,000 jobless energy workers struggle for a place in the new economy  -  solar energy traffic lights
When Fred Kerr stepped onto the stage in a warm middle, a crowded house burst into applause
On the evening of August, at the YukYuk Comedy Club in Calgary.
He was the first featured comedian with wine flowing and everyone was eager to have a good time.
"Guys, like many Calgary Asians, I lost my job," said the former oil worker . " He had the first tentative laugh.
"Yes, I appreciate your sympathy," Kerr continued . "More laughs.
"But I'm not going to lose my job for a long time because I have a Bachelor of Arts. ” More laughs.
"In French literature. ” More Laughs.
"From the University of Calgary. ” More laughs.
"You laughed, but the real reason I'm confident about my prospects is because the Bachelor of Arts is just Justin Trudeau's qualification. ” Big laughs.
Then he covered the freshest topics on his five showsminute skit —
Donald Trump, legalization of marijuana, North Korea-
Keep language clean, political criticism moderate, and avoid conflicts with young audiences.
Inspired by the last round of applause, Cole left the spotlight and was satisfied with an unpaid job.
Indeed, 54-year-old Kerr is not optimistic about his prospects for work in the oil and gas sector. He was vice-
President of Investor Relations at Peng Glang energy
When he was fired
Oil prices began to plummet 2014.
Although there is one
He's not at work yet.
More than 100,000 patch employees
About three.
According to estimates from the Canadian Association of oil producers, they have lost their jobs during the oil downturn of the past three years (CAPP)
Canadian Society of unconventional resources (CSUR).
Energy prices are picking up, but there are still many people out of work, giving up looking for a job, retiring early or starting work again.
Positions in other industries are only a small percentage compared to previous salaries.
At the same time, as part of the transition to renewable energy, the green and other new economic work promised by governments is progressing slowly and often better
Qualified candidates in other industries.
Government for reconstruction
Due to the new priorities, a large number of unemployed people have been laid off, and the integration of displaced oil workers has been slow and very few.
Dan Allan, president of CSUR, said layoffs have slowed since companies adjusted their spending to survive in the early stages of the recession, but as international companies withdraw from Canada, people are still unemployed.
During the previous economic downturn, recruitment resumed when prices rebounded, but employment seemed good this time, Allen said.
Evacuation of major oil companies such as ConocoPhillips
Royal Dutch Shell PLC (Shell PLC) has made future employment prospects even more ominous, as big companies have historically hired and trained fresh graduates and the next generation of employees.
"Canada is not considered a safe, reliable and friendly environment five, six, seven years ago," Allen said . ".
"We lost our investment appeal.
"New survey of information on the oil labor market (PetroLMI)
The institutions that conducted research on labor trends in the energy sector highlighted the seriousness of the situation.
Survey based on 864 responses
Laid-off employees
Workers, students and others who gave up looking for a job --
The preliminary results of the position were shared with the finance position, and it was found that 70 people were affected by the recession in one way or another, and 35 people lost their jobs.
Among respondents, engineers account for almost the same amount of work in business and operations management and support (
Environment, Security, HR, office admin, business analyst)
The proportion of work in the technical services sector is close to 23, and the proportion of work in the trade sector is 8.
The vast majority-77 per cent —were Albertans.
Of the 200 unemployed respondents, the proportion of 22 was staggering.
Five per cent said they had been out of work for more than two years and 27 years.
This proportion has been rising for more than a year.
Of those, 70 said they were looking for jobs in any industry, while only 25 wanted to return to the oil and gas industry.
Petromatrix vice said the findings confirm that all workers affected by the recession are unlikely to be re-employed by the oil and gas industry
President Carol House
"There is growing concern about recent layoffs, the lack of growth and stability in the industry, and concerns about environmental impacts, all to create a perfect storm," she said . ".
"This will have an impact on the industry's ability to attract and retain the best and brightest talent. ”Would-
He said that be comic Kerr has been looking for a job for the past three years, but with the company shrinking, integrating or leaving town, there are few jobs in his field.
The jobs that do come up are usually the jobs of former oil and gas analysts who convert positions with higher risk of high salary in brokerage companies to companies with more stable salary and shorter working hours.
But I learned to live with less money and cherish my freedom.
In addition to a bachelor's degree, Kerr holds a master's degree in business administration from West London University.
Senior position in institutional sales at First Energy Capital
And keen Capital Partners, and at Petro-
Air Canada International Limited Canada and Canada
Cole used his spare time to shoot comedy and reignited his passion when he was young.
There are some transferable skills between agency sales and position
It's comedy, he said, and it's not a joke at all. “Those (sales)
Work involves trying to market an idea to someone and having to be prepared that they may reject it altogether.
All you have is moral exhortation.
"You have to understand the needs of the audience and try to provide it," he said . ". “In stand-
You try to find something interesting for you and bring the audience over, hopefully they can also believe it's fun too.
The return on investment is money, he said.
It makes people laugh in the comedy
Although there may be a lot of money for those who are good at it, this is his plan.
"It's like a lot of businesses," Kerr said . ".
"The people made the money.
But chief executive Tim McMillan said the lack of job growth in the oil and gas sector worried some companies, such as CAPP.
In a recent report to the Alberta provincial government, calling for renewed efforts to resume investment, his team said, policy changes to accelerate the transition to renewable energy have had a profound impact on the province's job market, but have not worked well.
The group said that 40 to 50 regulatory policies and regulatory initiatives being implemented at the provincial and federal levels are increasing costs and scaring away capital from competitors.
Prior to the fall in prices, before the election of the NDP government and the Ottawa free government in Alberta, the energy sector hired one of the three Albertans, and CAPP said it contributed $10 billion in government revenue each year, of gross domestic product.
The decline in investment means that Alberta's Industrial workers are 100,000 fewer on average than in 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively.
A lot of people are going through the long term.
The term "unemployment" refers to "unemployment related to permanent decline in wages and increased difficulty in employment", which is potentially due to loss of skills and/or stigma of workers who have been unemployed for a long time, which is especially harmful.
"Efforts to encourage investment in upstream oil and gas will help curb this trend and begin to re-push the province's job market to a positive area," the organization said.
The Alberta provincial government has boasted that growth is recovering. 1-per-
Real GDP growth is expected in 2017, after sixper-
Nominal gross domestic product contracted in 2016
The government says new jobs are increasing so far this year, nearly 17,000, while unemployment is expected to drop to seven.
8%, to 22-
The highest annual level of November 9 last year (
The unemployment rate in Calgary is even higher. 3 per cent).
According to CAPP, most of the government's recruitment work in the fields of health, education and public management is recruited by the government.
Melanie Pope, 38year-
Single old mother with a master's degree in engineering at the University of Calgary first-hand knows what it feels like to have no regular wage check for two years.
Her last job in oil was at Paramount Resources.
She specializes in fracking there.
In order to maintain balance of payments, she consulted in her field two days a week to rent rooms in the house on Airbnb and cut expenses.
Popp is looking for full-
Time to work, but a long time of unstable work is becoming a problem in the job interview.
"The employer wants a fresh person," she said . ".
"They want someone who has been fired for two months instead of two years.
There is an unconscious bias that there is a problem with someone who has been unable to find a job for two years.
"She has been looking for jobs in the technology, banking, education and green industries so far, but has not succeeded.
Although she was not in a hurry to go back, she also applied for an oil job.
"My layoff was the worst thing that happened after my divorce," she said . ".
"Then you changed.
It is feared that this will happen again.
"Unemployment can be" isolated and lonely ", she added ".
"I was afraid to be part of the team again because the family I created in my last job drove me out.
"Jackie raft high landing Inc. , a Calgary-
Companies that help energy professionals transition to a new career say most of her customers don't want to return to the oil and gas industry because they no longer trust the industry and think the future of the industry is uncertain.
She said that many people have lost their homes and are doing jobs that are far below their qualifications, or are applying for every job in front of them, but have been rejected, which has exacerbated their trauma.
"This is a whole new paradigm shift that we have never encountered before," Rafter said . ".
"It affects people emotionally, economically, professionally, socially, and puts a lot of pressure on their families and careers.
They often enter the mode of panic.
It's a real struggle to let them go.
She said: "There are jobs in technology, manufacturing and real estate, but it will take a few years to remove the unemployment peak in the oil industry, and a lot of job openings are in the hidden job market, which means they don't advertise because employers don't want to be overwhelmed by resumes.
Rafter's company runs Grizzly Den, a program that helps unemployed customers figure out what they want to do next, identify their transferable skills, and then appear in front of a potential employer group, discuss what they will bring to the organization.
The innovation program has been so successful that a higher landing is part of the employment service providers who get government money to help people get rid of employment insurance.
"You have to figure out what your value is and be able to sell yourself to those who will appreciate your value," Rafter said . ".
"Spinning your resume on social media won't work.
You must be smart and do your homework.
But if you can't explain why you're so different and what makes you so wonderful, how can others explain it ? "The 38-year-
Old man with master's degree in American petroleum Earth scienceK.
Imperial College London
He took part in a scholarship.
Working at Exxon oil. on deep-
Oil prices have plunged, and the outlook for water resources in West Africa is promising.
Last year, he was fired and had his luck in Calgary, only to find thousands of other geologists on the street.
After working with higher education, agbeha applied for hundreds of positions in companies from oil companies to warehouses.
Only response from ATB Financial, Alberta Provincial Governmentowned bank.
He won a job at the call center and returned to work in February.
He was trained and loved the environment, but his salary
$40,000 a year
It's his lowest time in 12 years.
When he was quickly promoted to a new position at the commercial bank, he received a $10,000 salary increase, but he still earned Exxon.
"If you think about it from this perspective, it will make you feel bad," Agbegha said . ".
"But if I think this is my life, this is where I want to go, I 'd better face the challenge and one day I'm sure my experience will come and it will be better.
I am always positive.
"Because of the way the oil industry deals with the price slump, he didn't even consider a return to the oil and gas sector.
"It has no human side," he said . ".
"It's just business.
Someone came to work in the morning and there was a security guard who wanted you out of the office.
People have worked there for many years.
No dignity.
Like other oil workers, agbega saw little evidence of green jobs when looking for green jobs.
Victoria Avenue in Calgary
Recruiting staff based in EnergeiaWorks, mainly to fill the solar and wind industry for customers in Alberta and Ontario, alberta's green jobs today are measured by "dozens" instead of hundreds or thousands.
These tasks include maintaining and operating existing facilities, installing solar panels on the roof, and installing charging sockets for electric vehicles.
She expects that recruitment will increase once the company starts building new renewable energy projects based on renewable power projects in the province.
Alberta's provincial government says its climate leadership program will create 7,000 jobs by transitioning to renewable energy and gas
Generate electricity by 2030.
The federal government has made more green work commitments, claiming Canada's ability to take advantage of $1 worldwide in its April budgettrillion-a-
Clean technology market.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency, Canada currently has 65,100 renewable energy jobs.
Among them, 28,700 of hydropower, 17,700 of liquid biofuels, 10,500 of wind energy and 8,100 of solar energy.
Still, the mismatch in skills, experience and salary expectations means that oil and gas workers are unlikely to find these jobs, Waye said.
For example, in terms of wind energy, "they don't know who the supplier is, who the supplier is, what regulations are behind the wind, how the land is developed, how to find this land, and any scenario needed to compete fiercely with other experienced employees, "she said.
Companies are also reluctant to hire workers in the oil and gas industry as they leave when more profitable things come up.
Waye said jobs traded in the oil market paid $50 to $60 an hour, while in the green energy industry, $20 to $25 an hour.
She said the picture was not optimistic for energy professionals.
The wind project manager knows how to deal with everything from finding the site to construction, while the oil and gas project manager knows the bits and pieces of the project and is supported by a large team.
The project manager's salary is $100,000-
The wind industry is $120,000 a year, and the oil and gas industry is $200,000 a year.
"It's about restarting their careers, not moving forward in the oil and gas industry," she said . ".
That's exactly what Ryan Lemiski is doing. The 34-year-
Old geologists with a master's degree in earth and atmospheric science from the University of Alberta Edmonton will return to school part-time in September to receive a master's degree in energy from Queen's University of Kingston, ont.
He hopes this will open the door to the green industry.
18 months after Nexen lost his job.
Owned by China National Offshore Oil Corporation
Lemisky landed a short time.
Regular contracts that have now been concluded.
The prospect of geologists is still very bad, he said.
A small number of job openings attract hundreds of resumes and are often filled by people with very professional backgrounds, such as experiences in Monnie or duvelé.
"In Canada, I don't think the industry will ever be the same," Lemiski said . ".
"I 've been waiting for the government to announce how they will transition people from energy work to other departments.
I didn't see anything except the rebate for the bulb.
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